Very Vicious Vikings | Horrible Histories

Get ready to be transported back to the time of the Vikings with Horrible Histories’ latest segment, Very Vicious Vikings. From their fearsome raids across Europe to their unique cultural traditions, the Vikings have left an undeniable mark on history. In this blog post, we will delve deep into the fascinating and brutal world of the Vikings while exploring some of the key moments and figures that have shaped their legacy. So, grab your horned helmet and get ready to sail into the past with us!


The Vikings have long been an object of fascination for historians and enthusiasts alike. Known for their exploration and conquests, these seafaring warriors had a reputation for being fierce and cruel. The popular children’s show, Horrible Histories, takes us deeper into Viking history, revealing some of the most gruesome and entertaining details of their lives. In this article, we will explore the Viking era as portrayed in Horrible Histories, covering their culture, customs, and conquests.

The Era of the Vicious Vikings

The Viking era is a period of history that is often romanticized, but Horrible Histories offers us a glimpse of its darker side. The show takes us back to a time when the Vikings were known for their brutality and cunning. From their fearsome battle tactics to their gruesome punishments, Horrible Histories doesn’t shy away from the more unpleasant aspects of Viking life.

Viking Culture

One of the most fascinating aspects of Viking culture was their mythology. They worshiped a pantheon of gods, including Odin, Thor, and Freya, and believed in an afterlife where they would fight and feast for all eternity. Horrible Histories explores this mythology in several sketches, including one where Odin visits a local bakery and demands fresh pastries, threatening to unleash a storm if his demands aren’t met.

Viking Customs

The Vikings had a unique set of customs and beliefs, many of which seem bizarre to us today. For example, they believed that a person’s fate was predetermined and that it was futile to try and change it. However, they also believed in the power of magic and superstition, and would often carry amulets and talismans for protection. One particularly gruesome custom was the blood eagle, a torture method in which the victim’s back was sliced open, and their lungs were pulled out and laid over their shoulders to resemble wings. Horrible Histories doesn’t shy away from these difficult topics, but it presents them in a humorous and accessible way, making them easier for children to understand.

Viking Conquests

The Vikings were known for their aggressive and successful raids on neighboring lands. They would board their longboats and sail to destinations as far-reaching as Russia and North America, plundering as they went. However, their conquests weren’t always successful, and Horrible Histories presents several examples of disastrous Viking invasions, including one in which a group of Vikings is thwarted by a group of angry nuns.

The World of Horrible Histories

Horrible Histories is known for its humor and irreverence, and its Viking episodes are no exception. The show blends history and entertainment seamlessly, offering sketches, songs, and parodies that educate and entertain.

Viking Sketches

From a spoof of the hit show Vikings to a sketch about the discovery of America, Horrible Histories offers a wealth of Viking-themed sketches. The show’s writers aren’t afraid to poke fun at Viking customs and beliefs, but they do so in a way that is both respectful and informative.

Viking Songs

Horrible Histories is famous for its catchy songs, and its Viking episodes are no exception. From a Viking-inspired rap battle to a song about the Norse god Thor, the show’s musical numbers are educational and entertaining. Kids will love singing along to the show’s clever lyrics and catchy tunes.

Viking Parodies

Horrible Histories also offers several parodies of popular culture, reimagining everything from The Great British Bake Off to Game of Thrones through a Viking lens. These parodies are clever and witty, and they offer a fun way to introduce kids to Viking culture and history.


Horrible Histories is an entertaining and educational show that offers a unique perspective on Viking history. By combining humor and history, the show makes these complex topics accessible and engaging for children. Whether you’re a history buff or just looking for a fun way to pass the time, Horrible Histories is definitely worth a watch.


  1. Is Horrible Histories appropriate for children?

Yes, Horrible Histories is a children’s show that is suitable for all ages. While it covers some darker topics, the humor and irreverence of the show make it accessible and entertaining for kids.

  1. Is Horrible Histories available on streaming services?

Yes, Horrible Histories is available on BBC iPlayer, where viewers can access episodes and extras.

  1. Who produces Horrible Histories?

Horrible Histories is produced by BBC Studios.

  1. What era does Horrible Histories cover?

Horrible Histories covers a wide range of eras, including the Rotten Romans, Vicious Vikings, and Awful Egyptians.

  1. Is Horrible Histories historically accurate?

While not every detail of Horrible Histories is historically accurate, the show is committed to offering accurate information and presenting history in an engaging and entertaining way. The show’s writers consult with historians and experts to ensure that the information presented is as accurate as possible.

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