How To Draw A Funny Nachosaurus

Learn to bring your love for nachos and dinosaurs together with our step-by-step guide on how to draw a funny Nachosaurus. With clear instructions and illustrations, even if you’re just starting out, you’ll be creating your own charming and hilarious interpretation of this unique creature in no time. So grab your pencils and let’s get drawing!


Do you love dinosaurs? Do you love nachos? Well, why not combine the two and create a funny Nachosaurus? In this drawing tutorial, we will teach you how to create your very own Nachosaurus using basic art supplies. Whether you are an experienced artist or a beginner, this tutorial is perfect for you. So, grab your art supplies and let’s get started!

Materials Required

  • Black markers
  • Paper
  • Colored pencils
  • Markers

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Start with the Dinosaur’s Head
-Use a black marker to draw the Nachosaurus’s head with two small horns.
-Add two small eyes and a silly-looking grin.

Step 2: Add the Nacho Details
-Draw several triangle shapes throughout the dinosaur’s body to represent nacho chips.
-Add a few pieces of shredded cheese around the dinosaur’s mouth.

Step 3: Draw the Dinosaur’s Body
-Create a tail out of nachos and add a few spikes with black marker.
-Draw the dinosaur’s legs and feet using a combination of nachos and dinosaur shapes.

Step 4: Color in the Nachosaurus
-Grab your colored pencils and color in the nachos yellow and the cheese orange.
-Use green for the dinosaur’s body and blue for the background.

Step 5: Share Your Artwork
-Share your artwork on Facebook and Instagram with the Art for Kids Hub community.
-Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more drawing tutorials like this one.
-Join our Art Hub Membership to unlock exclusive content and perks.
-Visit our art supply page for more information on the materials used in this tutorial.


Congratulations, you have now created your very own Nachosaurus! We hope you had fun with this tutorial and learned some new drawing skills and techniques. Keep practicing and don’t forget to share your artwork with the community. Thanks for joining us at Art for Kids Hub!


  1. Can I use different color schemes for my Nachosaurus drawing?
    Yes, you can use any color scheme you like. Experiment with different color combinations to make your Nachosaurus unique.

  2. Can beginners try this tutorial?
    Yes, this tutorial is perfect for beginners who want to learn how to draw a Nachosaurus in a fun and easy way.

  3. Do I need to have all the art supplies mentioned in the tutorial?
    No, you can use any art supplies you have on hand. The tutorial is designed to be flexible and adaptable.

  4. Can I create my own variation of the Nachosaurus?
    Absolutely! Feel free to use your creativity and imagination to create your own variation of the Nachosaurus.

  5. Is the tutorial only for kids?
    No, the tutorial is suitable for anyone who loves to draw and wants to learn how to create a fun and silly Nachosaurus.

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