How to Draw a Poison Dart Frog: Step-by-Step Art Lesson

If you are looking for a fun and easy step-by-step drawing tutorial that will teach you how to draw a poison dart frog, then you have come to the right place! In this tutorial, we will take you through the process of creating a beautiful and colorful depiction of this exotic amphibian. Whether you are an experienced artist or just starting out, this tutorial is designed to help you capture the unique features and vibrant colorations of the poison dart frog. So, grab your pencils, and let’s get started!

How to Draw a Poison Dart Frog: Step-by-Step Art Lesson

Are you looking to sharpen your drawing skills and learn how to draw a poison dart frog? Look no further than this step-by-step art lesson guided by Rob and his son Austin from Art For Kids Hub. This tutorial is perfect for artists of all ages and experience levels. So, grab your art supplies and let’s get started!


Before we dive into the tutorial, let’s learn a bit about poison dart frogs. These tiny frogs are known for their brilliantly colored skin, which can range from bright blue to yellow to red. They get their name from indigenous tribes in South America who used their toxic secretions to poison the tips of their darts for hunting. However, not all poison dart frogs are poisonous in captivity due to their diet in captivity, so you can rest easy while drawing one.

Supplies Needed

To complete this tutorial, you will need black marker, paper, markers, and colored pencils. Art For Kids Hub markers are recommended but not required. If you need supplies, Art For Kids Hub provides a link to their Amazon art supply store on their website.

Step-by-Step Tutorial

Follow along with Rob and Austin as they guide you through each step of drawing a poison dart frog.

Step 1: Body and Legs

Start by drawing the body of the frog, which is shaped like a kidney bean. Then add two legs on either side of the body, like little logs.

Step 2: Arms and Hands

Next, draw the arms and hands of the frog. These should be shorter than the legs and more slender, with little fingers at the end.

Step 3: Head and Face

Now, it’s time to add the head and face of the frog. Draw a tapered snout, two big eyes, and a little smile.

Step 4: Patterns and Color

The most exciting part of drawing a poison dart frog comes next – adding the colors and patterns! Rob and Austin use yellow and purple markers for their frog, but feel free to use any color combination you want. Poison dart frogs are known for their diverse patterns, so get creative!

Step 5: Details

Finally, add some details to your frog. Draw some stripes and spots on your frog’s back and legs, and don’t forget the pupils in the eyes.

Congratulations, you’ve completed your poison dart frog drawing!

Share Your Artwork

Now that you’ve completed your artwork, why not show it off? Art For Kids Hub encourages viewers to share their artwork on Facebook and Instagram using the hashtags #howtodraw and #artforkidshub. It’s an excellent way to connect with other artists and get inspiration for your next project.


If you followed along with this step-by-step art lesson, you should now have your poison dart frog drawing. Drawing is an excellent way to express your creativity and expand your skill set. So, keep practicing and honing your craft.


  1. What is a poison dart frog?
    A: Poison dart frogs are tiny frogs known for their brightly colored skin and toxic secretions.

  2. Is this tutorial suitable for all ages and experience levels?
    A: Yes, this tutorial is perfect for artists of all ages and experience levels.

  3. What supplies do I need to follow this tutorial?
    A: You will need black marker, paper, markers, and colored pencils. Art For Kids Hub markers are recommended but not required.

  4. Can I use any color combination for my frog?
    A: Yes, you can use any color combination you want. Poison dart frogs are known for their diverse patterns.

  5. How can I share my artwork with Art For Kids Hub?
    A: Art For Kids Hub encourages viewers to share their artwork on Facebook and Instagram using the hashtags #howtodraw and #artforkidshub.

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