How To Draw An Iguanodon Dinosaur

Welcome to my blog post on how to draw an Iguanodon dinosaur! In this tutorial, I’ll be sharing the step-by-step process that I personally follow to bring this fascinating prehistoric creature to life on paper. With my love for art and passion for dinosaurs, I’ve honed my skills in capturing the essence of these majestic beasts. Join me on this artistic journey and unleash your inner paleo-artist as I guide you through the techniques and tips needed to draw your very own Iguanodon masterpiece. Get your pencils ready and let’s dive into the world of drawing these magnificent dinosaurs!


Hey there! Today, I want to share with you a step-by-step guide on how to draw an Iguanodon dinosaur. I recently had the pleasure of drawing this magnificent creature with my friend Jack, and I must say, it was an absolute blast! So, let’s dive right in and get started on this dino-mite drawing adventure!

Step 1: Gathering the Supplies

Before we begin, make sure you have all the necessary supplies. We used a black marker and marker paper for this lesson. You can choose to color your drawing with either markers or colored pencils. At Art For Kids Hub, we recommend using our very own Art For Kids Hub markers for vibrant and colorful results. If you’re curious about the supplies we used, feel free to visit our art supply page for more information or check out our Amazon Art Supply Store for a wide range of options.

Step 2: Getting Started

Now that we have all our supplies ready, let’s start drawing. Begin by sketching an oval shape for the Iguanodon’s body. This will be the central part of our drawing. Next, add a small circle near the front of the oval for the head. Don’t forget to connect the body and head by drawing a curved line.

Step 3: Refining the Body

To give our Iguanodon some dimension, let’s add some lines to define the body. Draw a long, curved line that starts from the back of the head and goes all the way to the tail. This line will represent the dinosaur’s spine. Now, add a few curved lines on both sides of the body to create the impression of scales.

Step 4: Creating the Limbs

An Iguanodon wouldn’t be complete without its distinctive limbs. Draw two long, curved lines extending from the front of the body to represent the dinosaur’s arms. At the end of each line, add three small ovals to form the hands. Now, draw two more lines extending from the back of the body for the hind legs. The legs should be thicker and more muscular than the arms. Finish off the legs by adding two ovals for the feet.

Step 5: Detailing the Head

Let’s focus on the Iguanodon’s head now. Draw an elongated shape for the snout, starting from the front of the head circle. Add a slit for the mouth and an oval eye above it. To give our dino a friendly expression, draw a gentle curve for the eyebrow just above the eye. Finally, add some small details like nostrils and a gently curved line for the jaw.

Step 6: Bringing Our Drawing to Life

Now that we have our basic outline, it’s time to add some details. Draw a row of triangular spikes along the dinosaur’s back, following the line we drew earlier for the spine. You can also add smaller spikes along the top of the tail. Don’t forget to draw three long, curved claws on each hand and foot. These will help our Iguanodon roam the prehistoric landscape.

Step 7: Coloring Time!

Once you’re satisfied with your drawing, it’s time to bring it to life with colors. You can use markers or colored pencils for this step. Feel free to get creative with your color choices and make your Iguanodon as vibrant as you’d like. Once you’re done coloring, don’t forget to share your masterpiece by tagging @artforkidshub on Instagram or Facebook. We can’t wait to see your dino-mite drawings!


Drawing an Iguanodon dinosaur can be both educational and entertaining. It allows us to explore the prehistoric world and get in touch with our creative side. By following these simple steps, you’ll be able to create a stunning masterpiece that you can proudly display. Remember, practice makes perfect, so don’t be discouraged if your first attempt doesn’t turn out exactly how you envisioned it. Keep drawing, keep having fun, and unleash your inner artist!


  1. How long does it take to draw an Iguanodon dinosaur?
    Drawing an Iguanodon can take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour, depending on your level of experience and attention to detail.

  2. Can I use a different medium for coloring?
    Absolutely! While we recommend using markers or colored pencils, you can experiment with other mediums like crayons or watercolors.

  3. Do I need any prior drawing experience to attempt this?
    Not at all! This step-by-step guide is designed to be beginner-friendly, so anyone can give it a try.

  4. Can I draw an Iguanodon in a different pose?
    Of course! Feel free to explore different poses and angles to make your drawing more unique.

  5. Are there any other dinosaur drawing tutorials available?
    Definitely! We have a wide range of dinosaur drawing tutorials on our channel, so make sure to subscribe for more fun and educational content.

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