How To Draw Kamek Magic Koopa From Mario

Are you a fan of the classic Mario video game series? Have you ever wanted to draw your favorite characters from the game but never knew where to start? Look no further! In this tutorial, we will teach you how to draw Kamek, the mischievous and powerful Magikoopa from the Mario universe. With our step-by-step guide and some basic drawing skills, you’ll be able to bring this iconic character to life on your paper or tablet in no time. So grab your pencils and let’s get started!

Title: A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Draw Kamek, The Magic Koopa from Super Mario


Kamek, the Magic Koopa, is one of the most popular villains in Super Mario, with his mystical powers and sorcery. Drawing this character can be intimidating, but with Art for Kids Hub’s step-by-step guide, it’s incredibly easy. This tutorial is child-friendly, suitable for the whole family to participate in, and ideal for beginners. The aim of the tutorial is to encourage creativity, enhance drawing skills, and have fun. So let’s grab our art supplies and get drawing!

Supplies Needed

Before we start, let’s make sure that we have all the necessary art supplies. For this tutorial, we need a black marker, paper, Art for Kids Hub gel crayons, and markers for coloring. You can find these art supplies in their Amazon Art Supply Store. We highly recommend using these supplies since they make drawing much more comfortable, and the quality is excellent.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Start by drawing a large oval. This will be Kamek’s head.

Step 2: Add a small circle on top of the oval, slightly to the right. This is for Kamek’s hat.

Step 3: From the bottom of the oval, draw a small V-shaped nose, followed by two dots for the eyes.

Step 4: Now, draw the hat’s rim, starting from the bottom of the circle and curving around the top.

Step 5: Add the brim of the hat by drawing a long, curved line starting from the left side of the hat’s rim and ending at the right side.

Step 6: Draw the two ears of the hat, one on each side of the rim. Each ear should be teardrop-shaped.

Step 7: Add a small bump above the hat on the right side. This is where Kamek’s wand will be attached.

Step 8: Now, it’s time to draw Kamek’s body. Draw another oval below the head.

Step 9: From the bottom of the body, draw two rectangles that will be Kamek’s legs.

Step 10: Add two small, teardrop-shaped feet at the bottom of each leg.

Step 11: Connect the legs with a slightly curved line at the bottom.

Step 12: Draw two small arms, like rectangles, on each side of Kamek’s body.

Step 13: Finally, draw Kamek’s wand, which is a long, thin rectangle.

Step 14: Use a black marker to outline and bring the drawing to life.

Step 15: Color the drawing with your markers to add even more character and personality.

Congratulations! You’ve drawn Kamek, the Magic Koopa, successfully. Now it’s your turn to share your creations with us. Share your drawings with @ArtForKidsHub on social media, and we’d love to see them.


  1. Is this tutorial suitable for beginners?
    Yes, this tutorial is child-friendly and perfect for beginners.

  2. Where can I find the required art supplies?
    You can purchase the art supplies from Art for Kids Hub’s Amazon Art Supply Store.

  3. Can I join the Art for Kids Hub membership?
    Yes, there is an Art Hub membership available for everyone to join.

  4. Where can I find this tutorial?
    You can find the tutorial on Art for Kids Hub’s YouTube channel.

  5. Can I post my child’s artwork on social media?
    Yes, you can post your child’s artwork on Facebook and Instagram and tag@ArtForKidsHub.


Drawing Kamek, the Magic Koopa, might seem challenging at first, but with Art for Kids Hub’s help, it’s simple and enjoyable. The tutorial is child-friendly, making it suitable for the entire family, and ideal for beginners. Art is a fantastic hobby that allows for creativity and imagination. So, grab your art supplies, follow the step-by-step guide, and let your creativity flow!

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